Our Fundraisers

Adopt Lane or Lexie for $25

Our angels make a great gift for:

  • Christmas ornament
  • A baby shower
  • A birthday present
  • In honor of someone special
  • As a memorial of a loved one

Adopt An Angel

the story of lexie & lane

I was 19 and in College. I was an extremely self-centered, immature, insecure girl with issues of low self esteem. I had been a Christian since 6th grade but when I left for college, I was having too much fun and it was so easy to use all kinds of excuses for not finding a church home there and before I knew it, I was totally, hopelessly out of the will of God. It wasn’t long before I also found myself pregnant and scared.

In the 70’s, abortion clinics were springing up everywhere. I believed the lies of the enemy: ”Surely someone has done the proper studies and determined that the fetus in early stages wasn’t a true baby, or the courts would never have legalized abortion”. “Abortion is just the latest form of birth control. It’s no more wrong than taking the pill”. Wow, was I really that ignorant?? You would think that I would have learned from that experience but no, at 20, still as far away from the Lord as I could get, I found myself pregnant again.

For 20 yrs, I kept my horrible secret swept under a rug, shut up in a deep dark closet. I allowed Satan to bind and gag me with guilt and heaps of shame. Gradually, after finding a wonderful church home, I allowed God to be Lord of my life again. Step by step, God and I together nurtured a close and personal relationship. He brought to light the schemes of Satan and showed me that with him it was foolish to try to hide my sin. He Knows, He was there! And all this time from day one, God has been waiting for me with open arms, to run not walk to him and lay my horrible sin at his feet. Girls, he healed me and made me a new creature, Eph 4:24 and that gift is free to ALL of us. Praise God, there is no sin we could ever commit that is bigger than the cross!

I have always had a passionate desire to outwardly love the children I had so foolishly lost. I believe that God sent Michael and Brenda VanVelkinburgh, the founders of Christmas Village to me. We were talking about fund raisers one day and the subject of Gail Pittman ornaments was brought up. It was quickly disgarded as too costly. God put in my heart a burning desire to become the donor for this project. The names “Lexie and Lane” are a variation of family names. The instruments representative of my family’s musical love and talents. It is my hope and prayer that through the purchase of these ornaments, girls that find themselves (no matter the circumstances) in crisis pregnancy will ultimately find hope, love and become new creatures in Christ, and their babies be saved and brought up in Godly homes.

Perhaps you have a story similar to the one above. If so, please know that there is healing for you through Jesus christ.

At The Christmas Village, we do not judge or condem any woman that has had an abortion. We offer God's grace and mercy to every woman that God brings to us. If you are suffering from the guilt of an abortion, please contact us and let us help you.